Review of Rebus

Rebus (2000–2004)
Another solid location-based British crime series
18 April 2016
/refers to all episodes/

As I am fond of British (and Scandinavian) detective dramas, I try to watch them as many as possible - preferably in sequence. Although recent decades have seen the bloom of series without single cased based episodes, it is sometimes nice to "look back" as well - as here in Rebus.

It is a bit odd that this series is divided into 2 - the episodes starring John Hannah and those with Ken Scott as DI John Rebus; both the approach and the depiction of Rebus are different, and now, after watching all series, I would say that I find Scott's performance more pleasing - he is rougher and his views and behaviour patterns include giggling moments, plus the episodes are shorter. Although not all episodes are equally interesting and sustained - in some cases I could guess too early who the wrongdoer was - the series in general is another nice example of respective British talent, with the beautiful city of Edinburgh within a supporting cast.

As a whole, 8 points from me - 7.5 for Hannah's Rebus and 8.5 for Scott's.
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