Fringe (2008–2013)
Definitely Binge-watch Worthy - high quality production with staying power
25 April 2016
For reference, the kind of SF I like: Battlestar remake, Daredevil, Expanse, Sense8, Jessica Jones, Persons of Interest, Limitless.

I didn't set out to like Fringe. Very skeptical, given it's a JJ Abram production (burnt by Lost). But this turned out to be a top notch genre classic.

The show started off slow pace but there's method in the steady build-up, typical JJ style suspense. Quite refreshing and welcomed pace change actually after the ADHD assault of recent short attention span SF offerings. After the 2nd half of 1st season things will pick up to 'normal' high intensity. I'm in the 4th now, no dip in momentum - amazing given this show is 20+ episode per series!

Production styling has stood the test of time. There's nothing cheap abut the whole thing. VFX is overall good works, especially the "amber effect" and reality membrane. CSI/ Elementary lab-gore-porn lovers also have lots to look forward to. Only complaint is the giant 3D typeface place/ building name object hanging in every changed location scenes but that's just me.

Great assemble - key actors are relative unknown but superbly chosen and did their role total justice and have face and personality that "sticks" in a good way. I never thought I'd say this: but the father-son trope, one of the most overused trope on SF TV, is actually finely handled here, thanks to good writing AND acting. Even the secondary characters will grow on you and you'll care if things happen to them.

Definitely well-researched fringe sciences, no doubt. There's short arc in between long arc, most weirdness and mysteries are interconnected and will be 'addressed'. Definitely fine coherent plotting in spite of the highly complex overall arc.

Overall highly entertaining and engaging, some jump scares, dark emo themes, yet with punchy humor and lots of heart. Highly recommended.
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