Review of Hannity

Hannity (2009– )
Attitude subject to political views
29 April 2016
THIS SERIES SUCCEEDED the previously very popular "balanced" by equal parts of conservative and liberal/progressive in HANNITY AND COLMES. That series was doubtless a sort of network concoction, an artificial blending of two men's insights as counterbalance. After years of very successful pairing, an electronic surgery was performed leaving only the name of HANNITY on the FOX News Channel, with Alan Colmes (fine gentleman that he is) left with his FOX syndicated radio talk show.

SEAN IS THAT sort who appears to be unable to stand still very long. In addition to his daily TV show, he balances and coordinates the FOX NEWS CHANNEL activity with his syndicated radio program. Rather than seeming to tax his energy beyond normal, safe and healthy limits, it would appear that his battery gets a super-charge from such a Spartan regimen.

THE ON SCREEN persona that we see is that of an early American pioneer. Sean believes that "pursuit of Happiness" is not only a platitude; but rather the very stuff that America is made on. In seeking to obtain the goals that we have in our self interest, we help to raise the success and general moral tone of our nation.

OUTSIDE OF HIS unapologetic conservatism, one must enjoy HANNITY because of his energetic approach to everything. If one were to look in the dictionary under enthusiasm, there'd be Sean's picture.
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