Doesn't have the same magic as "Raiders," but it still is a fun adventure movie
4 May 2016
After "Raiders of the Lost Ark" turned out to be successful as well as consider to be a classic movie, Steven Spielberg and George Lucas teamed up together once again in a sequel that many people considered this to be the darkest of the "Indiana Jones" series, and this was the movie that started to created the PG-13 rating due to how dark and violent the movie turned out to be. The movie is rated PG and it is not the kind of PG movie that kids would watch because it is intense for younger audiences. Heck, the movie has kids being turned into slaves as they kept getting whipped by the bad guys, and you really have a guy taking someone's heart out and having the body burned. Some PG movie, huh? If this was rated R, then I honestly don't know what difference will it make. I guess that is up to you for deciding about this. Speaking of the film's rating, the movie takes place a year before "Raiders" as Indiana Jones along side with his side-kick Short-Round and Willie Scott (Indy's love interest) as they go from Shanghai to India as they come across of poor villagers as they sent him to retrieve the sacred stones, and rescuing their children as they are being used as slaves at a palace called Pankot. Now its up to Indy to put an end of this nightmare before an evil priest named Mola Ram and his army of thugs get their hands on completing the five stones to rule the world. Everyone is split on this movie, which is the same thing when they were split on the fourth movie. I'll review the fourth one someday, but right now my main focus is this movie I am reviewing. When I first saw this movie, I thought it was bad like how everyone feels but as time goes by as I keep watching this movie it starts to grow on me. However, is it as good as "Raiders?" No, not really. Also, it certainly ain't the "The Empire Strikes Back" of the series because "Empire" is a much better movie than this, and I don't have too much to say about. So here is whats good and bad about the movie: Harrison Ford still hasn't gave a bad performance, and he still manage to be on top of things as he continues to be rough, cool, and looking for fortune and glory. He really is good in this movie as he did with the other "Indiana Jones" movies. Amrish Pri is really intimidating in the role as Mola Ram, and something about his looks really does fit to his character. He is definitely a worthy villain, and you can't take your eyes off of him on what he does in this movie. Jonathan Ke Quan plays Short-Round which like Willie Scott everyone has a hard time with him. His accent doesn't bother me, and I honestly really don't find him annoying. I thought he gave a good performance, and really is good sidekick to Indy; he can drive a car, helps out with Indy, and can actually fight like Jackie Chan. Now, for Kate Capshaw, she is not a terrible actress but I do understand how everyone feels when they are annoyed by her character. I'll admit she is pretty useless in this movie, and doesn't do anything much at all except that she whines and complains all the time; there is one part where she punch a bad guy during the mine cart chase, but still she remains to be a damsel in distress throughout the majority of this movie. Her character is not well done, but I can't help but laugh at her when she keeps squealing for Indy and always complain about other things. Her romance with Indy is nothing much to root for, and I will put her character in the "So bad its good" category. So bottom line, not really a well-rounded character like Karen Allen did as Marion Ravenwood, but she is funny to watch. The rest of the acting by the cast is finely done. I know Spielberg considered this to be his least favorite, but I thought he did a fine job on directing this movie as well as Lucas' ideas on doing a sequel to a classic adventure movie The special effects by ILM are well done, but there are some parts that are dated. The action scenes with the physical stunt work are really darn good. I do like the mine cart chase, which it feels like that you are on a roller-coaster. John Williams' score is about as good as what he did with his score in the first one. The movie is well paced, and the cinematography is well-filmed. Also, I do like the locations that our main characters go into. I also really do loved how the temple is designed for the movie. By the way, I do like opening musical number "Anything Goes." So yeah, I really do enjoy this movie, but its nowhere to be as good "Raiders." The story itself is fine for what it is, but its not as intriguing as the first one. I was always invested with the Ark of the Covenant more, than the stones in this movie. All in all, "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" doesn't have the same magic as "Raiders," but it still is a fun adventure movie. I am giving it an 8 out of 10.
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