How to Make America GREAT AGAIN!
7 May 2016
Surprisingly NON-partisan, refreshing, educational, insightful, touching and definitely entertaining and humorous. Moore's trademark sarcasm is mostly replaced by sincere, thoughtful interview style, and key morals are gracefully delivered with minimum preaching. Candid funny moments sprinkled throughout, very nice. Possibly Mike Moore's best work so far.

The gist: America crossed many significant social progress hurdles 50 years ago, and these countries have learned from American lessons and fought their good fights to enjoy the social benefit fruits today. Thing is, what happened with America? Why is USA at 29th place in 2015 global school ranking when Poland is at 11th and Vietnam is at 12th place?

This is not a story for Americans only but something to chew on long after for every human beings: what is it we strive for as a citizen of our country, no matter how small or how powerful?

I thought I know enough about Europe social welfare yet I continued to be surprised by what this docu has revealed and in such expertly directed pacing too. This docu will challenge non-Europeans on the meaning of this elusive thing called Quality of Life.

Particularly poignant moments...

Finland teachers seem to like using one particular word, not because they have vocabulary range issue (Scandinavians in general speak near-perfect English), but like this word is already part of their biological being: the word is, 'Happy'. Just watching their faces make me happy.

The Swedish father - and his simple message on the value of revenge - the most used trope in all popular American movies, TV, comic books, gaming media. Goosebump stuff.

The Tunisian women, and the truly enlightened clerical leader. So eye- opening. And heart opening too.

The vision of German children escootering and skating before a monolithic tomb of the ancestor's sins, and because they have faced their collective demon, their spirit are now light and free and joyous and it shows on their happy faces...

What the honest, fearless, tell it like it is Icelandic woman said about Being a Good Neighbor: the meaning of basic decency, what makes an individual great as a human being. Not his 60% budget spending on weapons of instant kill, not her 60% preoccupation with her self-centered indulgences, but genuine concern, love and curiosity for the wonderful world and people beyond one's own front yard.

That one is going to stick for a long long time...

This is the kind of movie worth making. I only wish it was longer and delve deeper in every country he invaded. Recommended to everyone young and old.
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