A sympathetic adventurer played by Giuliano Gemma helped by a gorgeous amnesic Ursula Andress against the nasty Jack Palance
12 June 2016
Entertaining and low-budgeted African adventure with several comic touches . It deals with the friendly as well as pacifist John Baxter (Giuliano Gemma) , an adventurer in Africa with a chimp (Biba) and his colleague Howard (Spaghetti Western ordinary Peter Martell) , both of whom run the firm ¨Safari Express¨ in the jungle , everything prepared for the booking tourists on set-up safaris , and they wish save a lot of cash to get their dreams . Pilot John Baxter befriends the chief a 'dangerous' local tribe and both of them prepare special attractions for ingenuous tourists . Shortly after , John and his tame chimpanzee across the wilderness meet a wandering woman in complete amnesia (beautiful blonde and sex-symbol Úrsula Andress) and she doesn't know who she is wandering . Later on , a certain Mr. van Daalen (Jack Palance) offers the intimate friends a lot of money to help him supply arms for a fratricidal coup within the tribe ; but he actually has another sinister plot behind this dark plan : the uranium smuggling . Daalen -supported by his hoodlums- carries out his heinous schemes , at whatever cost .

This amusing , engaging movie is crammed of fist-fights, punches , kicks, moving stunt-work , colorful African outdoors and lots of humor. ¨Safari Express" is just a mildly amusing action comedy, about on the level of a lesser Bambino/Bud Spencer - Tritinity/Terence Hill movie . Giuliano Gemma is top-notch as an agreeable freewheeling adventurer , meanwhile taking on an ominous villain , Jack Palance . Gemma's alternately helpful and troublemaking pet chimp is impressively trained . Strong performance of Jack Palance as a big game hunter who dedicates to illegal smuggling and chase John Baxter . Special mention to pet chimp called Biba that steals the show , getting into mischief , pranks and antics , including a surprising ending . The lighting-paced storyline slows down at times , but frenetic fight-sequences and fun make up for it . It's an entertaining romp plenty of brawls , including amusing bounds and leaps . This is a nice and funny juvenile story for Giuliano Gemma fans , as he's delight and likable . It packs action, fist-play, slapdash , humor with tongue-in-cheek and is quite bemusing . This release has some cool and several hilarious moments , adding a wonderful Ursula Andress as lady in mystery . The film isn't always good , sometimes is fresh and diverting and on a couple of memorable occasions , it's frankly delicious. The movie displays innumerable laughter , jokes and slapstick . In this very mild entertainment picture appears usual secondaries from B Italian series seen in several genres as Spaghetti Western and Peplum as Raf Baldassarre ,Dell'Acqua , Petrucci , Maffioli and Peter Martell .

Catching and commercial musical score by Guido and Maurizio De Angelis -Spaghetti Western's usual- and composed by synthesizer, as always , including some beautiful songs . This is the sequel to ¨Africa Express¨ by Duccio Tessari with similar artist and technician team . The motion picture written by Mario Amendola and Bruno Corbucci was middlingly directed by Michele Lupo who directed various Bud Spencer vehicles as ¨Bulldozer¨ ¨The Supersheriff¨, ¨Buddy go west¨, and ¨E.T. and the Supersheriff¨ . Lupo directed Giuliano Gemma , his fetish actor , in several films as ¨Master touch¨ with Kirk Douglas , ¨Stay away¨ with Amidou , ¨Arizona Colt¨ with Fernando Sancho and Nello Pazzafini and ¨California ¨ with William Berger and Romano Puppo. This is a passable entertaining juvenile that will appeal to Italian comedy buffs . Rating : Average , only for Giuliano Gemma and Ursula Andress fans.
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