Shows the potential
17 June 2016
I doubt very much that if both the director and the star had not gone on to very substantial careers Who's That Knocking At My Door would get too many viewings. But as cheap as it is, it does portend bigger things for Martin Scorsese and Harvey Keitel.

Actually the biggest name associated with this project is Zina Bethune who already had a television series The Nurses to her credit at the time she was Keitel's co-star. The advice given writers is also given filmmakers, start with what you know. Scorsese sure knew Little Italy in Manhattan.

Keitel is your typical kid from the hood, a lot like John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever who takes up with Zina Bethune. But later she confesses an incident in her past and Keitel reacts badly. Remember in Saturday Night Fever how Donna Pescow was treated after Travolta's pals had their way with her. Very similar here.

Not sure why she opened her mouth other than Bethune wanted to keep things open and honest. Sometimes discretion is better than honesty.

I did love the scene at the beginning where Keitel is actually Scorsese himself dissecting the film they had just seen which happened to be John Ford's The Searchers. That film hadn't achieved the status it has now so Scorsese was a prophet in that regard.

I can't say this was a masterpiece, but it sure shows what potential the creator had.
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