The Walking Dead: Self Help (2014)
Season 5, Episode 5
Forced Tragedy Sabotages the Otherwise Great Episode
20 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
There are a few things to say in favor of this episode. The first is that it is extremely hard to write forty minutes of drama only focusing on the same setting (in this case, a moving setting), and this episode accomplishes that much better than "Slabtown" did before it. The second is that The Walking Dead isn't usually rich with plot twists by any stretch of the imagination, and this one felt almost refreshing. In addition, this particular twist makes one give up hope. For a minute there, we actually thought that this all could end. We though Judith could grow up in a world not quite like ours, but closer to it. And then in one brawl, the truth comes out, and it is hard to hear. And I respect that film making.

However, there are a few things to say against this episode, and they are more prevalent. The first is the flashbacks. They are neither interesting nor relevant, nor do I have any reason to care, as they never even attempted to make Abraham a likable character and it's too late to try now with a tragic backstory. The transitions to these flashbacks aren't bad per se, but could've been so much better. My parting criticism is that the acting, not in the main plot but in the flashbacks, was just plain atrocious from everyone. The episode could've been very good if AMC didn't insist on a backstory for every character.

I repeat, just as I did after Slabtown: Bring back Season Five.
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