Before The Godfather There Was This
22 June 2016
Tonight for Sure (1962)

** (out of 4)

The Las Vegas strip is the setting as a high class man and a poor miner sit down and tell each other stories. All of these stories center around naked women.

That's pretty much the only "story" there is to this nudie that is best remembered today for it being an early film by Francis Ford Coppola. Yes, the man who would go on to make THE GODFATHER trilogy got his start with a nudie. In case you're not familiar with what that is, it's basically an ultra-cheap and low-budget movie that's only made to show women naked so that men will pay money to see it.

This film certainly isn't any different than the dozens of other nudies out there. We barely have any sort of story and instead of one we just get countless reasons for women to appear naked. There's all sorts of nudity scattered throughout the 65-minute running time but I will give Coppola some credit as he at least tried to make the film "look" better than your typical nudie. Jack Hill served as cinematographer and his work is certainly a notch above what you'd normally see.
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