Battlestar Galactica: The Young Lords (1978)
Season 1, Episode 9
Yet more BattleStarbuck Galactica
23 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Plot; Starbuck is shot down on a Cylon held planet where the last human survivors are a group of youthful freedom fighters. Yet another Starbuck-centric episode (I guess we know who was winning the fan mail battle between Dirk Benedict and Richard Hatch). The episode as a whole is pretty weak, but there are moments within that shine. Most of them centering around the antics of the Cylon garrison commander who covers his mounting mistakes by sucking up to the human Cylon commander, Baltar (much to fellow IL series Cylon Lucifer's chagrin). It's also a nicely shot episode, helmed skillfully by series writer and future TV mega-producer Donald P. Bellasario. It was nice to see Cylon warriors out in natural light and real environments. Not only did the costumes hold up quite well, putting them in such environs as forests and swamps really helped to give it all a little sliver of reality to stand on. It's too bad it was wasted on such a tepid story.

  • Features an appearance by Bruce Glover (Mr. Wint in 'Diamonds Are Forever').

  • Like many such planet-based episodes, the culture of the world looks a lot like one from here on good 'ole Earth's past (Probably due to the fact that Universal already had these sets and backlots sitting around). Typically it's a Western look, but here it's a bit Medieval mixed with Norse. Oh, and they ride unicorns.
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