Not a bad little low budget duster
25 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers

This one is a low budget duster put out by independent producer, Robert E Kent. The cast includes, Bill Williams, Ted de Corcia, Gloria Talbott, Walter Sande and Grant Richards.

This one has Sam Houston's son, Temple, (Bill Williams) working as a district attorney for the Oklahoma Territory. Williams is riding through the scrub country when he comes up on a gun battle being waged. On one side are several Cherokee including local Chief, de Corcia. On the other side are a handful of cowboys.

Williams gets the drop on the cowboy types and disarms them. The men show Williams a warrant they have for the arrest of the Chief. Williams, who has known de Corsia for years, has the man come to town in order to straighten the matter out.

Things turn out to be not so simple. There are witnesses who claim to have seen de Corcia kill the local Indian agent. Williams is forced to hand over the Chief to the local law, Walter Sande. In the mix now is de Corcia's son, X Brands and daughter, Gloria Talbott. Both say that their father is being framed. Williams of course ends up being the man who is in charge of prosecuting their father.

The court day arrives and any witnesses for de Corcia, are now dead or unable to be found. The Chief is found guilty and sentenced to be strung up. Now the viewer finds out the whole affair is indeed a frame-up. Local businessman Grant Richards is trying to prod the Cherokee into going on the warpath. Such an action would cancel the treaty and the tribe would lose their land.

Needless to say, that is exactly what the tribe intends to do. They even make a small attempt to break de Corcia out of the crowbar hotel. Williams, after looking over the evidence again, is starting to smell a large rodent in play. He is sure when Richards and some political types offer him the Governor's job.

Williams of course finds the evidence needed to quash the charges against the Chief. Richards and his henchmen are shot, or gobbled up for a date of their own with the rope.

This Edward L Cahn directed low renter is better than I was expecting. With only a 67 minute runtime it moves along at a decent enough clip. B-film specialist, Cahn is best known for the 1950's sci-fi classic, IT! THE TERROR FROM BEYOND SPACE.
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