Speak Easily (1932)
Funny, funny, funny!
27 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Despite a slow start and several misfired moments along the way, Speak Easily comes to a grandly amusing climax with Buster Keaton in his acrobatic element as he conspires to wreck/save a Broadway revue. Mind you, it's not all plain sailing for Buster. Right up to the last reel when Buster really cuts loose, it's actually Jimmy Durante who steals all the laughs and the super-sexy Thelma Todd (in her best role ever) who captures all the limelight. True, the lovely Ruth Selwyn is on hand too, plus Sidney Toler, Ed Brophy and Fred Kelsey who liven up all the proceedings no end. I assume that writer/director Edward Sedgwick received professional help from co-stars Buster Keaton and Jimmy Durante. I could also put my fist in the pie and say that some more songs would have been welcome, but as is, it's certainly a fast-paced 82 minutes, and definitely one for the permanent collection. My excellent DVD came in a 50-movie Comedy Mega-Pack.
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