Review of Limbo

Magnum, P.I.: Limbo (1987)
Season 7, Episode 21
So Close So Far
27 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Warning do not read unless seen episode.

It's always one of the last things we ever think would ever happen, heroes even superheroes are mortal, which means no matter how many scrapes with death they have survived, death is never far away.

As a kid this episode made me cry, I remember thinking "No Magnum this can't be the end!" and of course it wasn't the end as another season followed. Despite that fact as well as the fact this episode doesn't have the same impact as it does now, the episode was a event which just tugged at viewers/fans heartstrings real hard, from what happened none of us were entirely sure of anything.

The only problem I have with the episode is there is this business with the new guy in Michelle's life, which did nothing for the episode it felt like a complete waste of space. However those scenes are few and brief so you can just fast forward though them easy.

This episode is really about the moments where we see each of the supporting characters in Magnum's life deal with Magnum's condition. Just seeing the emotion on all of there faces just goes to show how much one person can really touch and affect so many people.

One of the moments that stand out is when Thomas was with his daughter and he is playing a game where he is hoping that she will be able to hear and see him but of course she doesn't. However she was looking and picking a book out that was the usual one Thomas read to her. I just thought that was both touching and sad, because that is something we all at times thinking about just to hear or see someone we've lost one last time just to know that there still around. Or even that book his daughter picked out, despite a simple object it's also that feeling of having something they left behind so that when we have it it's as if their still around.

Then of course there is that moment when Higgins then tells a story from one of the memoirs he is having published. It was a hopeful story of a person close to death and just when he was presumed death he actually pulled through and came back from the brink. That story in a way wasn't just one to give Magnum hope but it was one to give Higgins and the viewers hope. After telling the story and not seeing Magnum wake up, Higgins and even the rest of his friends Rick, Carol, and T.C. have a really sad looks on their faces which was the same as my own, that really put a tear in my eye.

The episode though does have a touching message, from Magnum spiritual state throughout the episode he is visiting and talking with each of the supporting characters and laying down his feelings for each of them. Despite not seeing him it just goes to show that he's never far away.

As long as we keep remembering and loving someone, despite how far they may'be they will always be close and live forever in our hearts.

Rating: 4 stars
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