Criminal Minds: Mr. Scratch (2015)
Season 10, Episode 21
A contender for the best episode of the later seasons
7 July 2016
Meaning Seasons 7-11 to me. "Mr Scratch" is a contender for the best, and certainly the creepiest and most chilling episode of the later seasons. To me, it's easily the best episode of Season 10 along with "Nelson's Sparrow".

It's wonderfully made, one of the most atmospheric 'Crimimal Minds' episodes in a while, with a creepy darkness in the way it's lit and gritty moodiness in how it's shot. Matthew Gray Gubler gives some of his most inspired direction and one of the best-directed latter-season episodes.

The music as ever is hypnotic and haunting, with the sound effects providing a nail-bitingly ominous effect. The script is thought-provoking, tightly structured and has genuine emotion and chilling tension in the reveal, which is one of the most surprising, unexpected and genuinely frightening reveals in a long time. The story avoids being standard, and is incredibly clever with a creepy psychological atmosphere, tight pacing and shocking murders.

All the regular BAU characters have personalities that are well-established and interesting. Have never been a fan of Kate (or Jennifer Love Hewitt in the role for that matter) but luckily she is not as out of place, bland and shoe-horned in as she usually is. Even with his short screen-time the unsub is memorable and properly menacing, almost predatory in preying on primal fear and the psychological manipulation.

With the acting, that is every bit as strong across the board. Gubler as ever is a breath of fresh air and Thomas Gibson shines in the climax in the most dangerous situation he's been in since "100" way back in Season 5. Everybody is fine, and Bodhi Elfman proves that even with a short screen time he can still make an impression.

In conclusion, fantastic episode, a standout from Season 10 and a contender for the best of the latter seasons. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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