Earrape in a bottle Orange echo flavor
15 July 2016
Out of all the internet Cessations, why are executives always choosing the bad ones, the trend all started with Making Fiends, a good TV show that caught the hearts of the big screen and online by adding one of the top ten cutest female characters, Charlotte, she is next to Layla from Hey Arnold,Ruby Gloom,Louise Belcher, and Amy Anderson from Supernoobs, but Annoying Orange traps the Under 10 demographic by adding edgy humor, Unironic bean can jokes, Radically bad attitude,Ear*Beep* Characters, and Twice as Maniacally frightening animation as Angela Anaconda that can give people nightmares about food giving you the flipped birds and eating you,no seriously, where to start,how i started to find it bad is that i found out that the TV series anchored the Franchise to the deepest and darkest and dankest trenches ever, the truckloads, than it stopped trying to grab attention of you tubers afterwords, and i'm glad it did, because the show is just your childhood nightmares trying to devour your brain one by one, it does this by showing you the most brain dead jokes and stories ever, seriously, this gave cartoon network a phobia of making something based off of something, but that's why we got Bunnicula to do the trick. Do you have the feeling that you wanna go ape*beep but some snot butted person prevents you from doing it, well that's this *beep* show, it manages to combine the baaing of a goat with the squealing of a cow after he gets grinded in a slaughter house when it comes to being annoying, and it literally states it in the title. Its annoying and loud that i sometimes have a feeling that i wanna eat more vegetables more because of show like this, this is why people hate Mr Meaty, shows like this that cause them to side with vegetables and eat them,and that's bad, i like meat and fruits, but i eat up my fruit fast before it chants and forces me to subscribe to his awful videos,and the worse character of all isn't grapefruit, its orange and apple, whenever apple gets mad, i just wanna rumble my face into a wall in order to forget, and orange,ugh, they put lots of money on making him the most tedious character ever that should've been in a juicer, he has that squealing little voice most brunette Swedish you tubers use when they squeal in their webcams, so it reminds me of the lost remains of cartoon characters every time they do anything in this TV show, and it frustrates me when Danboer Manages to embarrass Tom Kenny,Patrick Warburton,Bill Farggerbakke,Grey DeLeslie,Thommas Lennon,Jhon DiMaggio, and Harland Williams, the guy who was in Freddy got Fingered and Ned's Newt,yes, seriously, did Cartoon Network seriously tell Danaboe to kidnap all American voice actors to voice ugly David Lynch Food

CN :alright Danaboe, i want you to steal lots of voice actors that lots of people will know Danaboe :With Pleasure CN : make sure you also embarrass Rob Paulsen in front of the audience Danaboe :Alright, Rob Paulsen speak like an alien commander Rob Paulsen :Indeed, Surrender Precious Earthling Danaboe :and Tom Kenny, get com fused Ton Kenny :Alllllllllriiiiiiiiiiiiight!!!!!,Ugh what am i doing here?

, even i hate the voices of the squealing demon fruits as much as you. Danaboe should just keep his Under 10 fan base to himself on the internet, because i don't recommend you to see it, and if you do, then cover your ears
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