If you've gone through puberty, or, if you're an adult who no longer lives at home, DON'T see this
19 July 2016
So horrifyingly unfunny.

This is the 'book-end' to the film Paul Bart: Mall Cop, in that it supposedly takes a banal job, with an even more banal character, and 'makes it funny' by making the character have an overblown self-image, and put them in ridiculously dumb spots. Oh, yeah; lots of sex jokes, and more sex jokes.

This is the premise, in it's entirety; Larry Gaye ('har-har') is a male flight attendant - and, even though his name's 'Gaye', (never mind all the juvenile jokes about male flight attendants, and never mind the juvenile gay jokes) he isn't. Well, slap my knee, and sit me on a whoopee cushion!

The mind that thought a(nother) moronic tale about someone so bereft of anything close to a personality, and 'wrote this'

If you're under 12, then, it's right up your alley (that includes any male under 30, who still lives at home, and/or never went to/finished high school).

How this even got made, just blows my mind. The lead - Mark Feurstein - starred in some (supposedly) 'funny' show on that quality channel, USA (sigh), where he played a doctor in the Hamptons.

At this point, I'd like to say to any conspiracy-lover, or religious lunatic; you don't need to 'look' anywhere for signs of the apocalypse - the fact that this got made (and that even ONE person sat through it, and enjoyed it) tells you the world's doomed.

What has happened?!?

I was growing up, there were all these great sophisticated comedies, and, looking back at the films before me, of the 70's, 60's, 50's, 40's, 30's, and even the silents before them, there was so much to enjoy.

But, now, if you're not some pre-pubescent, adenoidal kid, or a physically mature, but mentally backwards adult, then, Hollywood has REALLY gone to hell.

Instead of sitting through this, and this kind of garbage appeals to you, well, aside from needing to grow up, and get a brain, you need a LOT of help.

I'm not a 'snob', but, I DON'T like being insulted.

If it's going to be low-brow humour, then, make me laugh. Sex jokes - like the ones told in 5th grade - don't make one laugh when you're a mature (means you've grown up, and moved out on your own) adult. That doesn't mean it can't be funny, but, garbage like this has so little creativity, that it's like what a song would sound like, if the musician only knew how to play one note. Bor-ring

This is just appalling, on every level.

The people involved in this travesty - either in front of, or behind the camera, should NEVER - EVER - be allowed NEAR any media equipment.
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