Yipe Stripes ...mumble mumble mumble...SIEG HEIL !
28 July 2016
Yep, Teenage Strangler richly deserves the undivided attention of MST3K. I've found that with almost every MST3K episode, there are 2 or 3 specific 'scenes' that remain in the brain - getting better and funnier. Teenage Strangler has one of them ... as what'shername is lipsynching, sorry, belting out "Yipe stripes...mumble mumble mumble...Yipe stripes... something else...Yipe stripes...." Mike and the bots blast out "SIEG HEIL". Difficult not to laugh out loud when randomly thinking about it at "very, very important meetings". So trust me - check out MST3Ks take on Teenage Stranger, Giant Gila Monster ("I sing whenever I sing...."), Giant Spider Invasion ("Hello dear - have a good day at the WH*RE?"), This Island Earth ("Normal view... normal view, nor-mal viewwwwwwwwww"). Awesome. Strangler (as done by MST3K) gets 8/10, simply because I DIDN'T STEAL NO BIKE, EITHER!
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