London Spy (2015)
Stylish, atmospheric and engaging series.
2 August 2016
This is a difficult drama to review as a whole, for me I'd split it up into three parts, a pretty good start, a fantastic middle (core) and a somewhat disappointing conclusion. The story itself is pretty different and intriguing, it is wonderfully deep, with so many threads all needing tying up. The performances are top notch, and as a production it's what you'd except from the BBC, it's slick and beautifully made.

I've been a huge fan of Ben Whishaw since The Booze Cruise, he is such a talented guy, and he shines through here as you'd expect. No surprises that he was BAFTA nominated for this, he is incredible. They did a fantastic job with the supporting cast too, Jim Broadbent and Charlotte Rampling are superb too, both bring really different elements to the production, Broadbent takes you on an emotional journey, whereas Rampling adds a touch of villainy.

I'll need to re-watch, as some of the conclusion I didn't understand, maybe it'll make more sense upon a second viewing. The conclusion felt like it had been lifted from a different show.

All in all though it's a fantastic production, full of suspense, mystery and intrigue. The BBC follows up 'The Game,' in some style, long may this calibre of drama continue.

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