Nip/Tuck: Manny Skerritt (2009)
Season 5, Episode 19
bad script in the story is almost as bad as the script of the entire season
12 August 2016
In this episode, that little oaf Aidan, the total man child, is raving on about the script he has perpetrated for what is clearly the biggest spy-thriller junk ever written in medical jargon. A nuclear bomb under the operating table, a tell-all autobiographical tale about Sean and the CIA? Laughable. Problem is, the actual script is something like that as well. There is so much trash on the screen that you simply do not want to make heads or tails of this extremely distasteful mess. Much like the key character Manny Skerritt, this beastly show is consuming itself, feasting on its own tail end. And this utter drivel is posing as entertainment for supposedly civilized masses, but who'd actually watch it if something better was on another channel? Like two mating dung-beetles on National Geographic perhaps?

This is the most ridiculous and unattractive story-line with the weakest lead characters I've ever seen committed to film. I've heard of guilty pleasures, but Mister, if this is your idea of a guilty pleasure, this inane ridiculous stupid--- take a serious look at yourself in the cold light of day. Just as you are what you eat, think about the kind of show you choose to watch.

Those two shouldn't even be veterinarians, that sums up the entire series. As for this episode, they take ridiculous subject matter and do naught else but make it even more ridiculous, it is just one clumsy cloying mess, aimed at grabbing the attention of the lowest of the low, thus entertaining buffoons, barbarians and creeps with baboon-brains.

It's not that I am offended by, shall we put it euphemistically, very delicate subject matter. It is that everything is mixed into a pungent potpourri of puerile proportions. There isn't one character that you would want to root for. They are all hopeless weak-willed pathetic numb-skulls, like I said, keep them away from sheep. Poor sheep.
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