Wishful Thinking At Its Finest
14 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This contains spoilers, you have been warned. Short version: a Catastrophe.

Long version:

It goes with the same intention as 'USA is a Christian nation', 'The Constitution was written by Christians with Christian principles', 'Separation of Church and Staye is not constitutional therefore we should have a Christian theocracy' kind of childish LIES. The ignorant, capricious, presumptuous script let us see how Christians, as any other theists, have a very simple, biased, wishful self-deluded, pretentious and arrogant perspective about their theology, that simply is so true that it's easily proved by logic and that through it, will discover the foundation for all reasons for atheism and find that they're invalid, because Christian theology is simply undeniably perfect, as is the perfect revelation of the perfect word of god, from a perfect god.

All these unfounded pretentious arrogance, gives them a wishful thinking attitude, thinking that the Universal Laws don't apply, and as a result: embarrassing logic errors, fallacies claim as true and assumptions out of ignorance, and all these in turn to jump to completely biased conclusions.

All of these are portrayed in this movie, they prove abundantly how delusional and skewed from reality Christians really are. They claim this is a documentary, but for atheists, so we thank you for this.

This teach us to be realistic, to be honest and accept reality to have a solid base progress and be able to contribute elevating Humanity quality of life, this is what typically happens in science, you fail , you learn, so this spectacular disaster can be seen by future generations as how retrograde some people were, just to favor their religion and self-centered way of life.

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