It doesn't get much better then this
28 August 2016
The Speckled Band is without doubt one of the standout episodes from the fantastic Granada series. It's difficult watching this episode not to get drawn into the plot, which has to be one of the best Conan Doyle wrote, which of us doesn't possess a phobia or at least an unease when it comes to snakes. I won't go into the specifics of the death, just in case, but it must be one of the most cruel, horrific deaths that Conan Doyle wrote, it really is the stuff of nightmares.

As always we are treated to some fantastic production values, everything is very slick, impeccable period detail, some lovely costumes, it really is a pleasure to watch. The debate will forever continue over Hardwicke vs Burke, personally I've always been impartial, what I would say is the Brett/Burke combination is at its high point here, the characters are so easy with one another, the relationship strong and the results fantastic.

The episode was expertly cast, Jeremy Kemp was perfectly cast as Dr Grimesby Roylott, his appearance somehow fitted the character, as did the velvet voiced Rosalyn Landor who beautifully portrayed Helen Stoner.

I cannot pick up on a single fault with this episode, it's one of a handful of episodes I gladly score a 10/10
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