This ain't Pixar folks
13 September 2016
This review is going to be subjective because I'm not like most people who get scared by horror films like The Exorcist or The Shining. I get scared by strange things. Things that bury themselves into your psyche and fester for a long time. That's why I'm such a fan of David Lynch's surreal films and why (what most people would describe as) an unwatchable mess like Inland Empire is a frightening masterpiece to me. Similarly, some people find videos of glitches from The Sims hilarious, whereas I find them chilling with those strange and nightmarish impossible contortions. Where the Dead Go to Die is like one big Sims glitch.

Many will see it as an atrociously animated and badly voice acted mess, and they wouldn't be wrong. This has to be the worst animation ever committed to film. In fact, it looks as though it was made on The Sims with a few disturbing expansion packs which allow your sims to woohoo with animals and travel to a kaleidoscopic hell. This will make the film borderline unwatchable for some people, but for me it made it all the more horrifying. Likewise, a little boy being voiced by a man mimicking a screechy child's voice is much more frightening to me than being voiced by an actual child. It's extremely uncomfortable as it feels like we're watching something Satanic that shouldn't be watched.

Where the Dead Go to Die has to be one of the most disturbing films I have ever seen and I don't get too disturbed easily either. This film is up there with Salo, Martyrs and all he rest. If it was a live action production then I'm pretty sure that the anonymous director, who goes by Jimmy ScreamerClauz, would be arrested. Whilst the animation is beyond poor, the ideas are still there and these ideas are seriously messed up. I don't want to spoil it for people who want to experience this mind fudge, but there are some depraved ideas involving children which are explored explicitly in this film. They may only look like blobs, but that didn't make it any less upsetting to watch, for me at least. Especially combined with the horrifying musical score in the background.

I feel like I should delve into the story a little bit. Where the Dead Go to Die is an anthology film which follows three characters living in the same neighbourhood (I think) who all come in contact with a demonic dog. The first segment tells the story of a boy who is convinced by the dog to kill his mother's unborn child as it's the antichrist. This story certainly gives you a taste of things to come. It's just utter madness with some terribly disturbing ideas and images thrown in. The second story kind of lost me a bit, but it concerns a man who steals people's memories after killing them. It's the weakest story and is mainly an excuse to go overboard on the hellish, surreal imagery. The last story is the strongest and most disturbing. It concerns a neglected boy with his dead Siamese twin's head stuck to the side of his face, who falls in love with a little girl. Needless to say, she harbours some very dark secrets at home.

You can try and think about the absolute sickest thing in the world and this film will show you worse. I can't decide whether I liked it or not. You could argue that it's a film designed to shock you for the sake of it, but there is actually a story here (several actually) and I'd argue that this Jimmy ScreamerClauz bloke actually prioritises the story over the moments of depravity. This isn't like August Underground where it's just one sick pointless scene trying to outdo the other. The disturbing themes do actually have something to do with the surreal story, particularly in the last segment. There's a moment where I was almost moved to tears, just due to the intensity of the concept presented on screen. The relentless bleakness also started to get to me after a while.

Where the Dead Go to Die is not a good film on a technical level, but it's unlike anything I have ever seen. There's no denying that it's innovative, whether that's in a good way or not. It does get bogged down in its moments of relentless surreal glitchy imagery, but when it focuses, I found myself strangely captivated. On one hand I find the film trashy and stupid but on the other I find it startling and original. It's an endlessly dark, depraved and upsetting film. It disturbed me, horrified me and affected me both emotionally and physically. It's a film which I won't ever forget, and that has to be worth something doesn't it?
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