Review of Ax 'Em

Ax 'Em (1992)
Notoriously Bad and Painful to Watch
16 September 2016
When people talk about the worst movies ever made, they often mention movies lie Gigli, Plan 9 From Outer Space, and more recent titles like Foodfight! and Kirk Cameron Saving Christimas. However, if you ask horror fans, they might give you a different answer--with this being one of them.

Ax'Em tells the story of a group of friends to go off to a house for a getaway where a series of murders took place years before. While the plot sounds generic, the movie had the potential to change things up and make it stand out--which it did, but for all the wrong reasons.

The acting is really poor; where certain moments and gags are dragged out for far too long and the actors just seeming like they don't know what they're doing. There are some instances of things becoming ridiculously hammy and over-the-top, but whether or not it's intentional is hard to tell.

The visuals and audio are among some of the worst I've ever come across as far as shot on video movies go. For much of the time, it's hard to tell what's going on because the lighting is terrible and it can be a challenge to figure out what's being said sometimes.

If you're looking for a good popcorn flick, turn to something else. If you're into so bad they're good movies, I'd even advise skipping this as well. It's just not worth the time of day.
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