14 and Under (1973)
Unofficial "Schulmädchenreport" entry, quality-wise on par
17 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Frühreifen-Report" or "14 and Under" or "Early Awakening Report" can be seen as a half-entry to the famous German "Schulmädchen" film series. The director is Ernst Hofbauer and the writer is "Günther Heller" and fittingly both worked on many "School Girl" films. The focus here is on even younger girls than in these other films. And quality-wise, it is approximately on par with the films I already mentioned, maybe slightly better even. Yes the message the film is trying to send is pretty ridiculous once again as always, but there are quotes that actually make sense, for example the question on why we want young people to be smarter at an early age, be able to learn languages at an earlier age, but not accept their sexuality at an earlier age. Of course, you don't see very young children naked in here. All the actresses are considerably older than the characters they portray, at least when they have nude scenes. A bad example of the message I already mentioned is at the very end. The way the conflict is solved between the girl and her mother (about her older sex friend) has really nothing to do with reality and feels fake and rushed in to quickly end the movie on a happy end. But it has absolutely nothing to with realism or convincing story-telling. As a whole, you can check this film out if you like the Schulmädchen films. It's probably unlikely you have not seen any of these and consider seeing this one. But all in all, I definitely five this one a negative verdict. Yes some of the chicks are hot and it's definitely a better watch if you are horny, but completely aside the erotic component, this film has almost nothing to offer. Thumbs down.
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