Gringo Trails (2013)
Alexis Wahsington Gringo Trails review
18 September 2016
Capturing the essence and dangers of the Bolivian amazon jungle, Pegi Vail's documentary Gringo Trails showcases one man's will to survive in the jungle. Documenting the search for backpacker Yossi Ghinsberg who was swept away by the river and found twenty-five days later looking like he had came from a concentration camp. Compelled by his experience, Yossi wrote a book about what he went through while stranded in the middle of the jungle. By selling his story,Yossi's was able to help boost backpacking tourism for a developing country. This film shows how tourism can be detrimental to a country's natural environment. A lesson learned from watching the film is that tourist need to be mindful that they are a guest in someone else's country and respect certain implications put in place to preserve the environment. Also we see how backpackers prefer to be indulged in their environment rather than staying in a hotel because it creates a more memorable experience for them. Through the different interviews and views of tourism documented in the film, we can learn how tourism can boost an economy but also be detrimental to the environment.
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