Spaghetti Western mixed with Martial Arts Wuxia film genre didn't really enhance the flavors of this cup of Joe that well. It looks awkward, but still fun to drink.
27 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
1973's film 'Shanghai Joe' is no, 2000's 'Shanghai Noon'. It's not even in the league of 1975's TV Show 'Kung Fu' with actor, David Carradine; in my opinion, this Italian Wuxia Western movie was below average. Don't get me wrong, "Shanghai Joe' is no average Joe Schmoe. It's entertaining, but it's just, wasn't that good. Directed by Mario Caiano, 'The Fighting Fist of Shanghai Joe', also known as 'My Name Is Shanghai Joe', 'The Dragon Strikes Back', 'To Kill or to Die' and 'Karate Jack' tells the story of a Chinese immigrant, Shanghai Joe/Karate Jack/Chin Hau (Chen Lee) seeking a new and peaceful life in America, only to find out that he's not exactly welcomed with open arms, by cattle ranchers led by owner, Stanley Spencer (Piero Lulli), who using Mexican slaves as cattle. Without spoiling the movie, too much, I have to say, Chen Lee isn't a good actor. A 'deer in the headlights' boring performance. His acting is so mundane by his emotionless delivery. Yes, I guess, he supposed to be rather calm, cool, and collected, but he doesn't show, any range to anything that is happening on screen like people dying. What happen!? Did he went to the Tommy Wiseau's school of acting!? Not only that, but his character is such a Gary Stu! He seems seemingly perfect in every task, he does. It doesn't make sense. Like how, in the world, did he get so good in playing cards, while training in martial arts!? Also, how did Shanghai Joe able to walk after getting shot in the legs, after a few days of healing!? It doesn't add up! Also, Chen Lee's badly made choreography fight scenes were just as bizarre and silly with his unrealistic slow-motion flips, mediocre hits/kicks and awkward cries. I was laughing my head off, when action scenes like the bull-chopping, fancy jumping a horse and bullet catching scene were on screen. It was so over-the-top! However, the gore and visual effects were alright for the time, even if they didn't film it that well. I was really confusing on how Shanghai Joe went to eye gouge and heart pull, his enemies, because of that. Despite that, I have to say, the music score by composer Bruno Nicolai is a notable asset that really help set the tone of the film, even if it's recycle from 1970's western film, 'Have a Good Funeral, My Friend... Sartana Will Pay'. While, the picture quality is decent, some speckling and the colors are indeed washed out. Also the sound is sometimes rather indistinct but all of the English dialogue is understandable, no gaps in the Italian translates. Yet, by far, the best thing in this movie are the supporting cast that plays the series of villains that Spencer hires to take down Shanghai Joe. Actors like Gordon Mitchell and Klaus Kinski really made their characters, Burying Sam & Scalper Jack really stood out, by their cunning action. Even, the over the top gory, unrealistic fight sequences with Japanese fighter, Mikuja (Katsutoshi Mikuriya) & Tricky the Gambler (Giacomo Rossi-Stuart) were memorable. Yet, I wish, they could had done more with Pedro the Cannibal (Claudio Undari). His scene was a bit disappointing. Talking about disappointing. I really don't like how Carla Romanelli's Cristina was just there to be the force love interest and damsel in distress. Her character really didn't add anything to the film, at all! Another problem with this film is the pacing. Honestly, did we really need to see, his journey from California to Texas, or his scenes with previous ranchers!? It takes forever for the main plot to start. Also, for a few dollars more, they really could had, work on the production value, a little more. First off, the Almerian locations look so small and ugly-looking. San Francisco is a good example. It doesn't look or feel like San Francisco at the time. Also, the subtitles really got it wrong with St. Francisco. It wasn't never call that!? Another problem is the costumes; some of the characters look like, they're wearing clothes from a 1940's gangster movie rather than more western-looking costumes! It was very jarring. Anyways, while this film gives us a rather bleak view of the United States as an intolerant country, uneducated, racist and violent which still traffics humans that might offend some viewers. As an American, I kinda like this movie, despite its flaws. After all, the film was enough of a success to boast a sequel, 1975's 'The Return of Shanghai Joe'. Overall: Enjoyable east-meets-west fare that is a little bit awkward. Still, highly recommended.
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