What I expected from CNN
7 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
*Spoilers ahead This mini-series was probably one of the most polished and well-done historical political docu-series I have ever seen. CNN, like usual, roles out a visually appealing and entertaining series.

However, the series is almost cringe worthy. I watched the first episode and immediately knew that this was an incredible piece of left wing propaganda. I knew from the very beginning that the last episode would be on the Clinton vs. Bush election in 1991 and would be used to shine light onto Hillary. Sure enough, that's exactly what happened. It brushes past the sex scandals of Bill Clinton and makes it out to be nothing even though it was. They talk about how amazing Hillary is but never seem to mention any other of the candidates wives almost like the wife of the candidate doesn't matter at all.

The series constantly misrepresents or neglects the facts and distorts truth to make the viewer think that republicans are evil and nasty and the democrats are all kind hearted. Whenever a republican ran an attack ad it was framed as a malicious attack by the right yet they fail to mention any attack ads by the left.

Framing matters and CNN knows it. They will leave out facts or ad non-relevant material to bolster the lefts agenda- keep that in mind next time you watch the news. They remind me very much of the propaganda machine in Nazi Germany circa 1940.
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