A Cold Night's Death (1973 TV Movie)
Enough material for a short film....nothing else.
18 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The concept in "A Cold Night's Death" is very good...and very interesting. However, it's also a very, very simple idea...so simple that it cannot be supported in a 90 minute film...perhaps 15-20 at the most. As a result, there were significant periods of dull filler and the overall effort is one I wouldn't recommend.

Robert Jones (Robert Culp) and Frank Enari (Eli Wallach) are sent to the Tower Mountain Research Station because the man running the place, Dr. Vogel, stopped transmitting five days ago. Additionally, before this be was beginning to sound more and more irrational. When they arrive in this frozen wasteland to replace him, they find the Doctor...dead...frozen in a room exposed to the elements. How did this happen? Through the course of the film they put the puzzle pieces together and Dr. Jones thinks that the apes at this research center had something to do with this!

As I said, the basic idea isn't bad but you could probably sum up the plot in two or three sentences! Wallach and Culp do their best...you can't blame them. But the script just isn't enough to hold your interest...though the payoff is pretty cool...if you're still watching by then!!
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