Never knew I would enjoy Asian romantic comedies so much!!
17 October 2016
Currently on Netflix (2016) this series is known as "Playful Kiss" for US viewers. I've seen the story before titled "Mischievous Kiss: Season 1 and Season 2," done by the Japanese. That series was undoubtedly influenced by this South Korean version, which was done first.

At any rate, I really enjoyed both versions. There are very slight differences but the core story remains the same: girl likes boy who could not care less about her... until events unfold that give her small bits of hope, like crumbs left on the ground to follow a path. It's how the story unfolds that draws us in. Many times I laughed out loud. Often I had a silly grin on my face. There were times I couldn't stop the watery eyes. I was rooting for Oh Ha Ni all the way - her character was just so adorable and spirited, and good. Oh, and she daydreams!

Anyone who enjoys love stories, no matter the culture, should enjoy this. I'm English-Irish American and I did! And I plan to watch it again. I could give spoilers, but why do that when one can just watch it to see if they like it? Don't look for perfection - look for the story, the intent - that's were the beauty is in "Mischievous Kiss" (2010).
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