Orange Is the New Black: Tit Punch (2013)
Season 1, Episode 2
A good start so far
1 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Before getting right into the review I have to mention the opening, the fact that it uses real life female prison inmates I still find really interesting as it helps differentiate the show from a lot of others as well giving the show a a bit more substance due to the fact it's based on true events.

On with the review, in this episode we see a lot more flashback sequences which give development to certain characters. I found the flashbacks interesting but also a little heavy handed in places but essentially did what they were supposed to do which was add development to characters in the show.

There was good humour in this episode which helped balance out a lot of the serious aspects that were happening in the show such as, piper being starved by the other inmates. A lot of the characters remain essentially unlikable,one of the prison wardens in particular and Piper's ex-girlfriend, Alex. It does however remain unclear at this point whether they will be given development which might shed some light on the reason for their behaviour but that is something I'd definitely want to see in future episodes.

Lastly with the how the episode ended it seems that the narrative is going to address more of the taboo subject matters in the show e.g. Lesbianism although opting for a comedic exploration of it by using the character of Sue(Crazy eyes.) I think its good for the show to explore this due the fact Piper the main character used to identify as a lesbian and it's known in the prison that acts of lesbianism are not uncommon. I look forward to the next episode.
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