The Nightmare (2015)
Only worth seeing if you really love spooky supernatural mystery horror movies
6 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Der Nachtmahr" or "The Nightmare" is a German 90-minute movie from last year (2015). The writer and director is Achim Bornhak (as Akiz) and he is mostly known so far for his fairly weak Uschi Oermaier biopic from almost 10 years ago. His newest work we have here has nothing to do with the world of entertainment or show business, but instead it takes us into the deep and dark world of the female protagonist. She is played by Carolyn Genzkow, one of the new generation if rising German actresses. Other than her, the cast has a couple familiar names like Sina Tkotsch and Wilson Gonzalez Ochsenknecht. And while I think Genzkow did the character justice, I still feel that the awards recognition this film has been receiving recently is way exaggerated.

This is the story of a young woman whose life comes apart at the seams when a strange nightmarish (in the truest sense of the word) creature enters her life, namely the one in the film's title. What follows is a collection of scenes from her everyday life as well as scenes with said creature who looks like a(n even more) deformed version of Gollum from "Lord of the Rings". That's basically the core plot and it's a character study where you can never say for sure if the character is really there or it's just a figment of imagination in the girl's head or even if the creature symbolized something else that is wrong with the girl and her life. Decide for yourself. Or don't. For I myself would not really recommend the watch here to anybody other than the people I mentioned in the title of my review. It is not disastrous by any means, but story-wise it felt really unimpressive beyond the shock value. Same can be said about the acting: not bad, but also not good except from Ochsenknecht who is weak as always. The film's atmospheric side (always important with the genre) did not convince me either. Overall, I give this film a thumbs-down and I suggest you go for something else instead as the film dragged quite a bit and had some lengths too. It is really overrated in my opinion.
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