American Horror Story: Chapter 8 (2016)
Season 6, Episode 8
American Horror Story Roanoke Crossing Paths With Murder House and Coven?
7 November 2016
American Horror Story Roanoke Crossing Paths With Murder House and Coven?

The very first season of American Horror Story: Murder House, in my opinion is one of the strongest seasons of FX's American Horror Story. American Horror Story: Coven is also a very good season. Fans have long been digging into the current season of American Horror Story to find clues between Murder House and Coven. Everything from the ghost, to the ghouls, to the witches to Lily Rabe saying, "You're going to die in there.", and everyone's favorite Pig Man.

Earlier this month, show creator Ryan Murphy said that at some point the TV show would find a revisit "Coven", although there was no revelation on how that would be done. At a panel at EW's PopFest Sunday, Murphy was questioned about this and let loose some more information that is quite fascinating!

Talking to moderator Tim Stack, Murphy explained, "We do know what we're going to do. It's not going to be next season, but we are going to do a season that's a crossover between 'Murder House' and 'Coven' together, which is very bizarre. There will be characters from 'Murder House' and characters from 'Coven' together."

Murphy explained that due to scheduling, this exploration would not be the basis for the show's seventh season. However, it is something that is in the works and he is already approaching stars of the first season to see if they will be interested in returning for another round. Now Murphy has been known to tease his audiences and have fun with all the viewers. I know he mentioned the cross over for a future season. However, maybe it's just me. But, could it be possible that this current season could be setting up Roanoke, Coven, and Murder House all in one?

American Horror Story: Roanoke Keeps Dropping Twist, Excitement, Mayhem, and More in The Eighth Episode!

Chapter 8 of American Horror Story: Roanoke was unpredictable, gory, and just keeps everyone on edge as we get closer and closer to what I think will be a jaw-dropping conclusion! Even though the show is getting close to the end, the show just keeps dropping secrets and amazing elements. I have heard so many people talk about this episode. I have even heard some rumors that the Roanoke House is the Murder House, which somehow became the Coven. That sounds a little far out and random. Call me crazy, but I ain't not hatin' it!

Episode 7 got us a excited at the prospect of seeing the true and much scarier versions of the ghosts spread more horror, this week stepped a little too heavily into Mama Polk's cannibalistic den. Cannibalistic hillbillies is something that should not really be given too much screen time, due to its overuse in the horror genre. For instance, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Motel Hell. What's more is we'd seen it all already; the writers had shown the real Mama Polk prior to this episode, yet they still opted to focus pretty much the entirety of Chapter 8 around her and her clan of cannibalistic misfits. It felt a little like a filler episode with filler material. I personally think this episode should have shown more of the real Butcher or the real Witch of the Woods.

We're still quite a few episodes shy of the end (if this season follows the traditional 12/13 episode length) and we only have a very small handful of survivors remaining, which does make us wonder what the writers will do with those remaining episodes and characters. We also get a surprise guest dressed as Piggy Man.

So these are my final B*tchin' Buddha thoughts on American Horror Story: Roanoke Chapter 8. It is a good episode. However, I believe this was the weakest entry in the series. Which when a show has been this good, that is not a bad thing. Even there weakest episode is entertain! We get and learn a little something about a crazy family, we get some real interesting screen time with the "real" Lee Miller, we get a surprise guest as PigMan, and we all can use more Pig Man in our lives! I believe Chapter 8 earns a…

7 out of 10!

This review is brought to you by Boogie Buddha, and remember don't just get down, but get Boogie! Thank you all for reading and or viewing, and I hope you all have a great day as always! :)
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