Dead Space 3 (2013 Video Game)
What the heck happened here?
12 December 2016
I enjoyed Dead Space as it was a fun outer space horror game. I enjoyed the second one as well, though it was a bit more action oriented. This one I just cannot get into at all. It just does not work for me as I was wanting to play something along the lines of the first two games. A fun horror survival game set in space where I blast some enemies, do some stuff to survive and win the game. Unfortunately, this one changed some stuff as it apparently wanted to focus on making this more of a co-op game this time around so the overstuffed the game with enemies and if you are playing solo you spend most of the time swinging around Issac Clarke this way and that trying to find where the enemies are coming from and maybe spot one and it starts running to you, whereas you cannot usually run because the way behind you is blocked, by another oncoming enemy! To make matters worse, the effectiveness of the weapons in this one have been greatly reduced. In the first two games I literally used the plasma cutter as much as possible because I loved the way it blew the monsters limbs, it does not work nearly as well. The rail gun was another favorite, I could take out multiple monster's legs with one shot! Not this time, one shot barely slows down a rushing enemy this time around. They made this one more frustrating than ever for me and I just could not get into it this time so I never even made it to the planet where apparently you still get the same thing from what I've read as the enemies burst out of the snow there rather than the countless air vents they keep coming out of in the space portion of the game.

The story has Issac in rather poor shape. He apparently hooked up with the gal from the second game only to have her dump him. He suddenly finds himself running for his life as the religion that worships the markers are coming after him and things are deteriorating quickly! This portion of the game was rather fun as it was running here and there battling enemies that did not come out of nowhere as you and a couple of military guys escape the planet. You then head to an ice planet where another marker lurks and you have seen in a prologue before we see where Issac has ended up. Issac must first though go from broken down ship to broken down ship trying to find Ellie and then finding another ship which I assume would be used to get to the planet below, but I gave up before reaching the planet's surface.

The game play has changed and most of it is not for the better. As I said the weapons suck now, the only bright point being the fact that they all share the same ammo now, but then again it was more fun in the first two games switching between the various weapons when you ran low on one ammo or another. Upgrading the weapons and your suit was easier too. Now, the suit is the same for the most part, but the weapons not so much. There is a neat thing you can do by literally combining weapons as I had a pulse rifle with a rail gun attached, but due to the fact the weapons now suck this should of been awesome weapon is reduced to a gun that cannot kill enemies before they are on top of you and you have to go through the press X mini game! The enemies may as well be invisible too as the final straw for me was this one room with a shuttle. I had to gather three pieces to make some sort of circuit for said shuttle. I keep going through the room and enemies keep popping up out of nowhere as all the shifts in this fleet have five million ventilation shafts for the enemies to drop you and gain the advantage along with their amazing speed. Well I gathered all the pieces and I heard what sounded like a horde of enemies so I went to the place to assemble the part. Before I tried I look this way and that way. I readied my weapon and walked around hearing the sounds of the damned, but nothing came. So I went to the bench and pressed the button to assemble the part when a creature hits me from the side out of nowhere.

So no, I am not digging this game at this point. If I play it later and win it, my score may improve, but right now, I am finding it a very frustrating and annoying game. They added optional missions in this one to make it the longest game of the three, but length does not mean goodness as there was nothing all that rewarding about completing the optional missions. I got pieces to add to my weapons that would have helped my nonexistent partner. I was playing solo so all the ammo I expended on the extra mission was completely wasted. I am just baffled as to how such a great series seems to have gone to crap, but part of me realizes it is that desire by an American gaming company to turn something into a Call of Duty/multiplayer type game.
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