Jack Frost (1997 Video)
The Cinemasochistic Christmas Horror Classic!!!
25 December 2016
This cinemasochistic Christmas horror classic is a weird blend of what is, at times, competent- even good- filmmaking; mixed with bad decision-making and some of the worst moments of acting fails you will ever expect to make it to the screen.

It tells the story of a serial killer, who gets turned into a Killer Snowman, after being exposed to an experimental chemical in a car crash- while being transported to his execution.

Now, this crude, cigar smoking, snowman sadist is on the lamb...and out to kill. And he has acquired the ability to melt and re-animate himself at will.

The Sheriff who originally busted Jack, before his transformative experience, is the only one who suspects that Jack is somehow responsible for the recent spate of murders that have been plaguing their town.

But the FBI intervenes, and seems to be covering something up...for someone. That someone being a chemical company who has designed an experimental substance that has the potential to harbour and transmigrate the soul- like what happened to Jack, when he was exposed during the crash.

Will they be able to figure out how to stop- and destroy- Jack, before he snow-rapes and kills everyone in town? I guess you'll have to watch for yourself and find out...if you want to subject yourself to that...

As was previously mentioned, both the acting and special effects are hit and miss, in this one. At times they are kind of great, but mostly they are just bad. Really bad.

It is, however, worth a watch for all the cheesy-as-hell one liners that it contains. Well, that, and the patently ridiculous storyline...which is definitely good for some laughs.

4.5 out of 10
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