Close the season already.
27 December 2016
Sigh, another day, another Open Season sequel. That also means another day that Sony opens up it's wallet, throws whatever small amount of money they can in other studio's faces and tells them "Go make an Open Season sequel but with less of the good humour. Oh and none of the actors from the other films."

At this point though, Sony must have honestly given up.

Too content with making really huge blockbusters *coughcoughStinkers*, they decided the baton must be passed to the Canadians. And thus nearly all of the production was done in Canada, the animation (done by Rainmaker Entertainment, same ones who did Reboot back in the Mainframe days and Ratchet & Clank), the voice acting (who actually do a much better job then anyone in the 3rd film though it's nothing to run home and shout about), maybe even the writing was done by Canadians.

Too bad then that ever since the 3rd sequel, the franchise has ditched the word "Funny" and decided a bunch of measly Christmas cracker jokes would do instead... oh and poop jokes too, lots of em. Therefore you probably won't be laughing at anything these critters say but you'll instead be thinking "How the devil are Sony still making these?".

And the plot's a load of codswallop too, the whole film is basically Elliot trying to scare the living daylights out of Boog.

Yeah, would have worked as an 8 minute cartoon, a 10 minute episode of a show or even a 22 minute TV special. But as an 87 minute film, paah ha ha ha ha you're having a laugh there chums! There's only so much they can do with this kind of material and by the time the mystery of whatever that Werewolf Elliot keeps talking about is finally revealed, the only thing you'll be doing is checking your watch.

So yeah Open Season: Scared Silly. Not as bad as the other films I've seen so far (hence why it gets the 3 rating) but still Sony, this season has gone on far enough and little old me says it's time to close it for good and let the animals have peace for once.

Then again, Sony's probably not caring since they're rolling around in money like Scrooge McDuck. Beats me.
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