Operation Christmas (2016 TV Movie)
Operation Christmas Fail
28 December 2016
This film should've been much better than it was.

For a start, it has some of my favoured television "B-Cast List" actors with Marc Blucas, Gabrielle Rose, and Lisa Durupt. However, actors can only act out the script at the director's direction, and this is where the film fell flat.

The writer, instead of going for deep and meaningful, tried for schmaltzy and sweet... and failed. All you got was cliché, after cliché, after cliché, and so on...

They had so much scope for a heartfelt and expressive Christmas movie with a hint of romance and serious family issues revolving around the army and any manoeuvres that may occur during the festive season.

The direction was standard and none too engaging.

The predictable "throw-away" ending only made me grimace and feel sorry for the spouses, who were sat in the audience, who weren't as lucky as the love interest in the movie.

This is how not to make a Christmas Film and I'd recommend viewers to stay clear.
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