There seems to have been plenty of fibbing
7 January 2017
In war time, anything is likely to happen; yet a situation such as this, it might be said to turn itself inside out and then back again, is very hard to believe. The heroine's brother is on the Union side; her sweetheart is in the Confederate army. The brother is the first to be driven into the house by Confeds. The lover also gets in. Yankees drive the Confeds away and the status of the two officers in the house is changed. Now the Yankees depart and the rebels come again. This time the Confed officer has to save the Yankee officer. There seems to have been plenty of fibbing, but that is a virtue in war time. The heroine is played by Myrtle Stedman; her brother, by Wm. Duncan; her sweetheart, by Richard Garrick; her mother, by Vera Hamilton. Aunt Chloe, a figure that will be noticed, is played by Mattie Fitzgerald. Rex de Rosselli makes a very fine soldier, the Confederate sergeant, as also does William Stowell, the Federal sergeant. - The Moving Picture World, August 10, 1912
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