Not believable, quit watching after 30 minutes
2 February 2017
I love Christian movies. In fact, i prefer them. But i couldn't get into this movie at all. It didn't seem believable. The girl just talked and talked to a çomplete stranger, prying questions. Almost like a precocious child would do, except this was a young woman. And I'm supposed to believe this guy is just going to open up to this girl he doesn't even know. It was boring, far fetched, and not believable. Sorry.. there aren't many Christian movies that i don't finish, because even when it is low budget, they are usually believable and have a good Christian message...i prefer that, because i usually come away with something that strengthens my faith, and makes me feel good, but i Just couldn't make it through this one. I found myself fast forwarding it to see if it got any better, but it just appeared to be more and more dialogue from the 2 of them, nothing was happening, just talking talking talking, bla, blah, blah. Fail.
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