Review of XP

XP (2003)
Xeroderma Pigmentosum
11 February 2017
A shot of the moon in the dark. A teenage boy, Jonathan is playing out in the night using his torch like a light-saber.

Switch to daytime and Jonathan is still in darkness in the house, the curtains drawn and he is wearing dark glasses, wistfully looking out at other boys playing soccer. He cannot join them, his mother who is dressed like a cop would not let him.

We see a doctor who tells Jonathan that he can go outside only for a brief time while wearing some kind of nuclear protection suit which when he does it scares his friends.

We might think that it might be dangerous to venture outside but we see other kids playing about. So why does Jonathan only venture outside? We soon find out when he does go out to play soccer with his friends, he soon collapses.

Jonathan suffers from Xeroderma Pigmentosum, a very rare condition which affects people from the UV rays from the sunlight.

This short directed by David Barba who is half Mexican and half Scottish is dedicated to sufferers of Xeroderma Pigmentosum. It is presented almost as an eerie sci fi mystery at first.
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