Dirty Grandpa (2016)
Mediocre Rated R raunchy comedy with Robert Deniro
22 February 2017
There has been a rise of adult / rated R comedies which some gems like 21&22 Jump Street, Neighbors 1&2. Dirty Grandpa falls under the less inspired of the raunchy Rated R comedies. The only saving grace (or at least the question you ask yourself throughout the film) is how and why is Robert Deniro in this film? Deniro has been in everything including the Focker movies and Machete so I guess this kind of made sense... have a drug induced, overly sex, non-PC movie. The story itself is pretty much uptight lawyer who's getting married (played by Zach Effron) needs to take his grieving grandpa home and almost immediately his grandpa wants to "bang" everything in sight. This leads drugs, sex, and super awkward situations and mixed in with a lot of crude jokes and very crude jokes that hits almost everything from mild racism, homophobia, and plenty of dick jokes.

I found the movie amusing enough to finish, it's definitely a forgettable comedy.
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