Enjoyable Sherlock and Watson movie who move to Madrid where relentlessly pursue Jack the Ripper
27 February 2017
Agreeable and charming Holmes film with continuous suspense and intrigue when some killings have been committed in the Ripper's style. It starts in a prologue from ¨Los Conjurados¨ by Jorge Luis Borges : ¨Thinking about Holmes results to be a pleasure that remains still¨ . The motion picture sparkles with polish and wit and the ending results to be as moving as surprising and being decently directed by José Luis Garci . This is a nice tribute to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle , it is a stylish original Sherlock movie that has the sleuth rushing to Madrid , looking for Jack the Ripper . Another film about Sherlock filled with intrigues , suspense and thriller but this time is added a new ingredient : romanticism and loves . The movie blends suspense , detective action , cloak and dagger , mystery and being enough interesting . In this mystery we find the famous calculator sleuth and his helper , Watson , investigating some strange deaths and confronting an arch-enemy , Jack the Ripper , and so they pursue him to Madrid . Meanwhile , Holmes (Gary Piquer) falls in love for a beautiful Opera singer , Irene Adler (Belén López) and Watson (José Luis García Pérez)who is married (to Leticia Dolera) again has a sensitive romance to Elena (Manuela Velasco) , niece of the wealthy aristocrat Duquesa de Lima (Sagaseta) . Holmes and Watson excursion bring the famed Victorian sleuths toward Madrid , as Holmes along Watson will solve unanswered mysteries and Sherlock undergoes some risked experiences to resolve the cases . Holmes and Watson meet famous and higher class people , such as Marquis De Simancas (Manuel Tejada) , a powerful businessman with connections with minister de Fomento (Inocencio Arias) for some edification projects in the capital of Spain . Furthermore , Holmes and Watson befriend a young journalist , Alcántara (Victor Clavijo) , who follows the assassinations through his reports for La Gaceta a well as popular artists like composer Isaac Albéniz (Alberto Ruiz Gallardón) , writer Benito Pérez Galdos (Carlos Hipolito , Garci's regular) , during the restoration period . Helped by Inspector Valcárcel (Enrique Villén) , Holmes, Watson and Alcántara looking for discover if Jack the Ripper is really the killer.

This is a nice Holmes film with Madrid and London gripping setting . This affectionate story reveals the secret allegedly hidden by Holmes and Watson . Atypical Holmes movie , resulting to be an extremely personal pastiche of the Arthur Conan Doyle stories and takes a melancholic and romantic point of sight at famous eye private . It is packed with intrigue , thrills , emotion , taste , wit , and of course , suspense . A genuine ripping yarn and very intriguing and entertaining but overlong . And dealing with friendship , intrigue , literature , Madrid and women ; all of them ordinary issues in José Luis Garci films . In the flick appears the usual of the Arthur Conan Doyle's novels : Holmes , Mistress Hudson , Irene Adler and , of course , Doctor Watson . It packs an exciting amount of surprises with great lots of entertainment , though sometimes turns out to be slow-moving . Screenwriter José Luis Garci provides the original plot based on a story by Eduardo Torres Dulce , creating the basis for this particularly storyline . This is a classy and effective romp with a strong cast . Gary Piquer as whimsical detective is acceptable , he's in cracking form . He gives an unique perspective on his life , revealing a complex personality . He's finely matched with Watson , José Luis Garcia Pérez , he plays as Watson as a serious , intelligent , and good-mannered doctor , he's the perfect counterpoint to Holmes . Although Basil Rathbone will be forever identified as Holmes ; however , here Gary Piquer/Holmes is also played as an intelligent , cunning , broody and impetuous pipesmoking sleuth , his interpretation is likeness to Christopher Plummer (Murder by decree) in which also takes off Jack Ripper , Nicol Williamson (Elemental Dr. Freud) in which he befriends Freud in Vienna to cure his drugs addiction or Peter Cushing and Jeremy Brett in television . While Dr. John Watson isn't a bumbling and botcher pal generally represented by Nigel Bruce , but a clever and astute partner well incarnated by José Luis García Pérez .Furthermore , the support cast is pretty well , such as : Manuela Velasco , Macarena Gómez , Manuel Tejada , Leticia Dolera , Carlos Iglesias , José Corbacho , Juan Jesús Valverde , Ramón Lillo , Jorge Roelas and brief appearance by politicians as Inocencio Arias and Ruiz Gallardón . Set design by Gil Parrondo is of first rate , the movie is very adequate , the appropriate interiors , including 223 Baker Street , carriages , dancing halls , Cafes , ¨Bagatella¨ saloon , all of them are very well designed . It packs an evocative and atmospheric score Pablo Cervantes . Colorful and evocative cinematography by Javier Palacios . Produced by Nickel Odeón and subsidized by TVE , ICAA and Ico . The motion picture was well written , directed and produced in little budget by José Luis Garci who takes melancholy look at Holmes . It was dedicated to José Luis Tafur , in Memoriam . Rating : Better than average , 7/10 . Well worth watching .
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