One of those seventies "men scared of feminism" outings
8 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So last night's entertainment was a YouTube viewing of "The Dark Secret of Harvest Home," which scared the collective crap out of the girls in the eighth grade at Bridger Junior High School when it was aired in the fall of 1978, or at least all the ones I knew.

Adulthood is a blight at times. I sat there last night picking apart the plot holes like the Widow Fortune would have picked apart an improperly tatted doily to start it over. "Dark secret"? "What no man may know nor woman tell"? Huh? The dude who gets elected Young Lord, then Harvest Lord, never comes back after his gig in the seventh year. This has supposedly been happening over and over for decades. No woman may tell, but the men have eyes, don't they? No wonder young Worthy Pettinger took off rather than fulfill his role as the Young Lord. I'm surprised every man in town didn't take to his heels over that. LOL Heck, the only really scary thing about the movie was when Jack Stump showed us his tongue had been cut out, and we didn't even get to see that happen, just the results, this poor scared dude in a cabin in the woods, growling and cringing like a whipped dog. Bette Davis, who played the Widow Fortune, was probably steamed that they DIDN'T put the part where she cut out Jack Stump's tongue on camera. Now THAT would have been her type of scene. LMAO

Also, yeah, at the end, Nick Constantine has been blinded and had his tongue cut out because he saw what happened when the Harvest Lord and the Corn Maiden .... uh, planted. LOL But he's a grown man. He can still WRITE! He was a writer after all ... so, what, no sequel?
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