Hong Kong Action, The Woo Way
30 March 2017
Walking into Quentin Tarantino's New Beverly Cinema in Los Angeles with a bunch of other 18-35 year old males, I had never even heard of the movie that I was about to watch; John Woo's Heroes Shed No Tears. In fact, the only reason I went to the movie at all was because it was selected by Mr Tarantino. Tarantino encompasses the fantasies of the male mind in every movie he makes, and surely, would recommend a movie that has a similar impact on my testosterone levels. With this in mind, I expected a fun Hong Kong action film. What I drew from the movie was more than this mindless action I expected.

The film's plot, as with most films directed by John Woo, is just an excuse to film long action scenes. It follows the campaign of a group of Chinese Soldiers who are tasked with capturing a drug lord and bringing him from China to Thailand. Such an open plot allows Woo to get away with over-the-top action scenes and marvelously ridiculous plot twists.

Yes, I know what you are thinking, "so it is just another movie that is one massive shootout. Might as well go back to watching my 'important' American drama TV series". Sure, this movie does have these scenes, but they are all quite special. First of all, as this is John Woo's first film, he says he was less cautious with the amount of violence and gore. His lack of caution is apparent in the scenes where Chan Chung (Eddy Ko) guns down endless waves of drug dealers. All of these scenes are doused in over-the-top practical effects and unnecessary gore. This gives them a special feel. This is Eddy Ko's unrestricted, pure, and gritty film making style. This style was also an inspiration to some of Tarantino's action scenes, notably, those in the Kill Bill franchise.

Secondly, Woo's action scenes are all entertaining as hell. Whether it is the the acting that is sometimes so bad it's funny or the direction of John Woo that enthralls the audience right into the action, there is rarely a dull moment in the action scene's of Heroes Shed No Tears.

I vividly recall the whole audience bursting out in laughter and joy every time another body exploded or compound was lit on fire by the Chinese Mercenaries. A movie that has this effect on an audience deserves reverence.

While the scenes between action sequences have much to be desired in terms of capturing audience emotion, I am always one to judge a film for what it is. Few people expect the sadness and deep psychological depth of a movie like The Elephant Man in a Hong Kong action flick from the 80's. If you do, well, I am sorry that Heroes shed no tears disappointed you.

The dialogue scenes did a few things nicely, however. Firstly, they provided a nice explanation to the plot that makes the action scenes feel at least somewhat deserved. They also allowed the audience to laugh at some of the blatantly terrible acting that would rarely be permitted in today's cinema. John Woo includes some humor of his own in these scenes as well. I recall a sex scene that Woo takes a comedic approach to. This really hit the audience with a boom. Finally, the dialogue of the characters taught me aspects of Chinese culture and cinema. I can honestly admit that some of John Woo's other films are on my future watch list after being inspired by this film.

So, is it worth taking time out of your busy schedule to watch Heroes Shed No Tears? Firstly, be quiet, your schedule is not that busy. Second, if you are in the mood for a radical, over-the-top Hong Kong action film that brings the charm of John Woo's direction to the floor, watch it. If you are in the mood for a funny film that delivers both witty and deadpan humor (while sometimes not doing so purposely), watch it. If you are interested in what Hong Kong action films are like, this movie is a good reference. I reiterate, however, this is a movie filmed on a limited budget in the 1980's so it will not deliver the special effects or great acting expected in today's films. It is a fun film to be watched by a non-critical eye. Basically, watch the film if you can have any fun and do not mind subtitles!

Grade: B+ (7.7/10)
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