Iron Fist (2017–2018)
Does Marvel's Iron Fist Deserve More Respect?
31 March 2017
Honestly, I would have to agree that this is one of the weaker shows. That does not mean it is horrible, because it is not. It's just more of the same we've seen before, and does not offer anything new like the previous MCU Netflix shows.

We get so much time with this company, instead of getting time with our main character. One of the bad organizations in this series, The Hand, never really comes off as menacing, and it is mainly because we do not get to spend much time with them.

Another big thing I have to get off my chest is how this show feels like a superhero show you would see on the CW network and a superhero show in the late 90s and early 2000s.

We are in a time where we are seeing the evolution of superhero films, and people want change. This show goes back to those very typical superhero shows we've seen in the past. For instance, shows like Smallville. From the first couple of episodes you can even predict the ending of the series.

Finn Jones does a decent job as our main hero. But my biggest problem is how the character is written. His character is written to tell us his story, instead of showing us his story and character.

Rosario Dawson (Sin City, Top Five) comes back as her character Claire Temple from Daredevil and Luke Cage. Dawson is always going to be one of my favorite actresses. However, her character here feels very much like she is just there to connect this to the other shows. Throughout the series, she is just mainly there to be the voice of reason.

In addition, this show honestly has episodes you can skip. You can skip certain episodes, and you will still completely understand the plot. So a few episodes feel very much like filler episodes. Episode six is where things really get moving.

Speaking of episodes, RZA (The Wu-Tang Clan, The Man With the Iron Fist) directs episode six, and episodes six in my opinion is the best episode. That is the one that feels the most like a comic book and those old school kung-fu flicks. You can tell RZA really does have a passion for this style. It shows in his music and him as a director.

While watching this, I kept say to myself, "What if all these fight scenes were filmed like Gareth Evan's The Raid movies?"

That movie offered some of the best action and fighting scenes I have ever seen in filmmaking. It is ruthless, you can tell what is going on, and it looks like it was filmed all in one take.

Before there was Pryor and Wilder, before there was Woody and Wesley, before there was Murphy and Nolte, before there was Dre and Marshall, there was "Power Man" Luke Cage and Iron Fist.

In the comics, these guys are a team, known as Power Man and Iron Fist, a.k.a the Heroes for Hire. Earlier I mentioned how Claire is used to connect this show to the other shows. I believe this show should have been written where the first half is Iron Fist, and the second half transitions into the Heroes for Hire.

That way you keep the popularity of Cage going, and are establishing a not so popular superhero, Fist, with mainstream audiences. With great writing, anything is possibly in storytelling.

Overall,they do have compelling characters, and compelling stories. But at the end of it all it is half-and-half for me. My biggest issue is how the show ended, the action sequences, and the writing. I believe season one of Marvel's Iron Fist on Netflix earns a…

5 out of 10

I think in The Defenders, Iron Fist will get some better treatment.

Written by Nile Fortner
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