Terrible film
4 April 2017
This film is totally and unabashedly biased against Palestinians. They are portrayed as terrorists, period. It's the same old narrative that Jews are victims just defending themselves. There's NO appreciation for the history of Palestinian struggles to maintain their culture and homelands as the Jewish state was created. Really pathetic. And the glorification of the American military in Iraq is so sappy and nationalistic, so totally devoid of any coverage of the Iraqi people and culture - it's disgraceful. And covering Fred Phelps and his merry band of gay-haters? Come on. Give me a break! This minuscule segment of the American population is irrelevant - except if you want to give air time to sensationalist BS. The part of the film that's supposed to be about "dialog of hope" is so hokey it's unreal. Swelling music, and footage of allegedly redeemed people who have somehow moved beyond their previous prejudices. A bunch of trite supposedly feel-good clips cobbled together that are somehow about the possibility of moving beyond hate. Historical context and political realities are ignored. This is the worst kind of pseudo-liberal sophistry. I reviewed the film in hopes that I might use it to shed sociological light on hate groups. I was terribly disappointed and appalled at how shallow and biased it is.
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