Michael Busee i remember you
10 April 2017
Michael, the ability to comment on your person digitally is not so good. my name is Richard. you remember me because we were close friends when we lived in Riverside, before i moved to Santa Maria because my dad was transferred to Vandenburg air force base. i guess we were about 12 and we met at school and became friends. i especially remember 7th grade. i read some of the commentary about your insecurities as a child. even then i was aware, being a tolerant catholic. i liked you a lot and i really do not remember you being bullied for being gay or effeminate, but if you say so it must be true. you pretty much behaved like a normal insecure early teen. before adolescent would likely be more correct. we both lived on the poor side of the tracks. then your dad, who was a contractor, built a new house for your family in a better part of town. you invited me over to help you make lolly pops. i was seated on a low chair and you were standing above me. you, taller, stood above me. then for no reason you lowered your face and kissed my mouth. i had never been kissed before by another boy. i ignored what you had initiated and continued to process the lolly pops. your mother and father did not like me, maybe they thought i was a bad influence because of my Spanish surname, or perhaps they thought i might be queer. doesn't matter much to me. i have often thought about you and your sister Kay and your mom and dad. i was aware of your being Mormon, or affiliation with the church of latter day saints. did not think much about it. but i see what your family/faith did to you, and perhaps your birth religion; a great injury. they psychologically injured you and placed you in a place of psycho/emotional risk. and that is something that rarely can be undone. your life has been over the top. i do hope you have found peace. i still have the photo you sent me from your high school graduation. i went on to UCSB and other dumpsters. i moved to New York City in 1980. but i still miss California. Richard
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