Women of San Quentin (1983 TV Movie)
Women Of San Quentin
25 April 2017
For me, Women Of San Quentin was something to watch once & ONLY once.If you're flipping through channels, looking for something to watch & come across it, take a look.It's not worth hunting down though.It's a TV movie that feels more like a TV show that got cancelled before it even got started. So somebody weaved together 2 episodes & turned them into a movie, just so the episodes don't go to waste.I also thought this might be a movie pilot for a TV show, so I dug around & couldn't find anything.No information at all.Women Of San Quentin truly feels more like a TV show than a TV movie.The thing I found most interesting about the movie was the amount & different types of weapons the inmates had.They were prepared for war.Other than what I see on TV shows, movies, what I read in books & what people I know who have actually been to prison tell me, I know nothing about prison but I can't imagine inmates today getting away with all the weapons they did back then because of the way security is now.I also can't imagine an inmate walking & talking with a C.O. like Sgt. Patterson did with Big William without the inmate being seen as a snitch.You seriously have to be into prison movies to watch this movie from beginning to end because at times it drags & drags & drags.Like I said before, Women Of San Quentin is something to watch once & only once.I don't think you'll be watching it twice
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