30 April 2017
The low rating of "Interstellar Wars" here on IMDb should be a warning sign to stay well clear of this movie. I, however, opted to sit down and watch the movie regardless. Why? Well, because I was given the chance and thought that it might actually be so bad that it would be fun and good in an odd way...

...But it wasn't! "Interstellar Wars" turned out to be horribly boring. The storyline was so unfathomably moronic and ridiculous that it was an awful affront to witness on the screen. The storyline is about aliens attacking Earth, and people are essentially helpless to put up much of any kind of resistance.

Right, well this has been seen numerous times before in other similar movies, but usually it is handled and pulled off with a better impact and effect in other movies. So don't expect anything grand or impressive from "Interstellar Wars" in terms of storyline and plot.

This being a Sci-Fi movie, then having proper special effects that are realistic and believable is alpha and omega. "Interstellar Wars", however, didn't have that. And the lack of proper effects was definitely a hard blow to the overall movie. Actually, the special effects and CGI that were present in "Interstellar Wars" was so poor that it was straining on the eyes. Furthermore, while on the special effects topic, then the green screen work in this movie was just downright horrible. I will go as far as to saying that this might very well be some of the worst green screen work that I have ever witnessed.

The characters in "Interstellar Wars" were rigid and one-dimensional, and were essentially just cardboard cut-outs milling about in a less than mediocre story. And that makes the audience care not one bit about the characters in any degree.

As for the acting talents starring in "Interstellar Wars", well, let's just say that I can't remember a single performance from what I witnessed here. And I am sure it is because that the actors and actresses had very little to work with in terms of script and storyline.

I am sure that writer Robert Ryan had the best of interests at heart and in mind while writing the script for "Interstellar Wars". And it might have worked out well enough on paper. But translated to the screen, not so much.

"Interstellar Wars" is definitely a movie that will test your mettle and will to the very end. Why? Well, because it was most certainly a battle to see this movie to the end. I managed to do so, but clearly was ready to give up a couple of times along the way.

There is nothing here to make me recommend this movie to anyone, unless you find mind-numbing boring movies interesting. If so, by all means, give "Interstellar Wars" a go.
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