13 Reasons Why (2017–2020)
A serious social stigma which needs to be talked about
2 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I've been reading through the reviews and I have to say I am deeply disappointed and concerned with a lot of the reviewers who gave this a poor review. Mostly referring to the lead character as annoying, irritating, a drama queen, blaming others, etc etc etc. It's painfully obvious how much people don't understand about depression and suicide. OBVIOUSLY the lead character has a way down deep issue with coping and then given all the terrible things which happen to her along the way...did not help matters any. Blame the bullies? Blame the teacher who didn't try to help her or contact her parents? Blame the rapist? Of course she is, her brain does not function in the ways the majority of people do. It's is the exact point this show is trying to get across. So many people still have so much to learn about depression and suicidal tendencies. This show opens doors, if only people would try to understand. Talk about this...try to empathize and open your mind to someone who obviously doesn't have the skills to cope in the same way you do. Yes...this was difficult to watch. Coming from the mind of a person who struggles with mental issues on daily basis, it was heart wrenching to get through. I identified with the lead character in so many ways. It's just that I am older and know that while there have been people in my life which scarred me beyond complete repair, ultimately that choice would be on me and not others. However...this is a platform to help raise awareness for this crisis. The cast was impeccable. The show was beautifully done and brutal, as it should have been. Please watch this...and try to understand it's message.
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