Witty comedy
2 May 2017
The title translates to "A night of love." This is to to be understood ironically. The night in question, although planned as an exciting immersion in the night life of Buenos Aires, is an opportunity for a couple, Paola and Leonel, to air their grievances against each other. This happens sometimes in the privacy of their car or on the street, or sometimes (embarrassingly) in the presence of acquaintances. Paola (a psychotherapist) and Leonel (a scriptwriter) are in their thirties, have been together for twelve years, have two sons and face the usual problems of a couple; the onset of routine, the difficulty of intimacy in the face of work and family obligations, the change in their perception of each other than comes with years of living together. The movie ends, however in a hopeful note.

What makes this movie worth watching is the witty script by director Hernán Guerschuny and Sebastian Wainraich and the acting. Carla Peterson, a very charismatic actress, plays Paola to perfection. Wainraich plays Leonel at the same level, and there is genuine chemistry between the two. Guerschuny's direction keeps a brisk pace and has a light touch. You'll especially appreciate the dialogue if you are familiar with the colorful Spanish spoken in Buenos Aires.
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